haikus #53, #54, #55, #56, #57 & #58 2/3

I can hear the guys

shoveling our sidewalks now.

I’m glad it’s not me.


I can’t tell you how

annoyed I am that I have

to do this again.


People seem to like

these silly little haikus

but they annoy me.


But I have to say,

if you are enjoying them

then I guess that’s cool.


Yesterday was the

twentieth birthday of a

great flick – Office Space.


I used to watch that

once a week with a good friend

way back in high school.


This is no haiku,

but it’s two thirds: Fuckin’ A.

east and west: the nexus of the universe

The Robert Morris University campus in the staid township of Moon in Western Pennsylvania has been a hotbed of growth since my departure in 2008. New apartment buildings for students that aren’t coming popped up a few years after I graduated, followed by updates to current dormitories, followed by more dormitories. They really doubled-down on the housing thing. Then they improved the practice basketball field house and then built a brand new softball field. Or maybe they did that when I was still there. It doesn’t matter.

It doesn’t matter because this sign isn’t there anymore. Every day I would walk past it and say “I’m at the nexus of the universe*!”. I guess someone realized that this wasn’t possible and had it taken down. RMU is a business school. Not a Geography…school?

I wrote that on there in MS Paint. I can’t find the original anywhere.


directional fail


*Yeah, Kramer in The Maid episode.

probably the most meaningful selfie of my life

I was once, many, many years ago, sitting in church with my grandfather. It was one of the four times in my life I was early for mass. He always say in the last row. Before the service began, someone got up to read the announcements. On this particular evening, our priest sat next to us on the very end of the pew. He got up a minute or two later and left his glasses there.

Since our attention spans have deteriorated so much, you’ve probably already seen the picture. You can guess what happened. I put those SOBs on and tapped my pap on the shoulder so he could see. He laughed out loud, and then I took the most meaningful selfie of my life.

RIP to my man, Rusty.


grosco glasses